
Explore the transformative power of sound with me, and experience the profound benefits it can bring to your life. 

What I do

I use a compassionate and intuitive approach to guide individuals, groups, and employees on their journey toward well-being and self-discovery. We'll use sound to release energetic blockages, restore harmony, and promote well-being. We’ll achieve this using therapeutic sound instruments such as Tibetan and crystal alchemy singing bowls, tuning forks, and voice, to name a few.  

  • I provide a safe, nurturing space for self-exploration and healing using the vibrational qualities of sound.

    I guide individuals on a journey of deep relaxation, stress reduction, and inner balance.

  • I use sound to foster connection, harmony, and community. I create an environment where everyone benefits from the vibrations of sound.

  • I offer sound therapy sessions designed to reduce stress and encourage community. This results in happier and more engaged employees.

I work with adults and children from all backgrounds and embrace the notion that holistic health should be accessible to all.

My services and workshops focus on using sound therapy, breathwork, guided meditation, and movement to improve your health and well-being.  

Services are offered throughout NorthEast Ohio.  I partner with local businesses to provide a welcoming space for my clients.  This includes yoga studios, wellness centers, non-profit organizations, health care providers, and other community groups:

  • Ebb & Flow Counseling and Wellness Studio

  • Stewart’s Caring Place: A Cancer Wellness Center

  • Flows & Grows Yoga Studio

  • Intro Cleveland Apartment Living

  • Prana Yoga Studio

Why work with me?  

Sound Bowls for Sound Healing in Cleveland

Sound has been an integral part of my healing journey. My goal is to guide my clients on their own unique path so they can also benefit from sound therapy.  

In the past, I struggled with stress, anxiety, and a sense of disconnect.  During my search for a holistic treatment, I discovered sound therapy.  It had a  profound effect on my physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.   I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and relief from the tones and soothing vibrations. The sounds released blockages and melted away layers of tension. I  was finally able to reconnect with my innermost self. I was so inspired by this newfound world of sound therapy.  I began extensive training in sound healing and became a certified Sound Therapist.

I use my in-depth knowledge of ancient sound practices and science-based sound healing techniques to create unique sound therapy experiences, for individuals, groups and corporations.  

trained and qualified sound therapist in ohio

My background

I am a professionally trained and qualified Sound Therapist. I am a member of the International Sound Therapy Association and abide by their codes of conduct.   I am also a member of the Medical Sound Association, Sound Education Association, and Yoga Alliance.

  • Level 2 Diploma 1-2-1 Sound Healing Practitioner in Integral Sound Healing (The Academy of Sound Healing, UK, 2020)

    100-hour Sound Healing Certification (Sound Ceremony, San Marcos La Laguna, Guatemala, 2019)

    Recording Arts and Technology Certificate (Globe Sound Healing and Therapy Institute, 2023)

    200-hour Jivasara Yoga Teacher Certification (Marni Task Yoga, Cleveland, Ohio, 2019)

    Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Cleveland State University, 2011)

  • Voice Medicine (Sound Ceremony, Guatemala, 2020)

    Immerse Yourself in Sound Healing Vibration: Using Frequencies to Clear Blocks in your Energy Body, Transform Disease, and Raise Consciousness with David Gibson (Shift Network, 2022)

    The Science of Sound Healing: Leading Edge Insights for Designing Better Treatments for Yourself and Others with David Gibson (Shift Network, 2023)

    Open Your True Voice: Awaken Your Inner Authority and Access the Field of Love Through Vocal Alchemy with Your Unique Signature Sound with Chloë Goodchild (Shift Network 2023)

    SoundMoves Yoga Alliance Continuing Education YACEP Course (SoundMovesYoga, 2023)

Sound will be the medicine of the future

— Edger Cayce

Mission & Vision

At Cleveland Sound Healing, LCC, my mission is to harness the transformative power of sound therapy to support and enhance the physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being of my clients.

I provide a safe and nurturing space where individuals can explore the healing potential of sound vibrations. Through evidence-based practices, compassionate guidance, and tailored therapeutic approaches, I strive to empower individuals to find inner balance, reduce stress, cultivate self-awareness, and promote emotional resilience. 

My goal is to guide holistic healing, inspire personal growth, and contribute to the overall wellness of my clients, fostering a harmonious integration of mind, body, and spirit.

My vision is to create a harmonious world where the transformative power of sound therapy transcends boundaries, elevating physical, mental, and emotional well-being. 

I envision a future where individuals of all backgrounds have access to sound-based modalities that nurture their holistic health and empower them to unlock their fullest potential.  By integrating evidence-based practices, innovative research, and compassionate care, I aim to be at the forefront of sound therapy, catalyzing profound healing and personal growth.  Together, we aspire to foster a harmonious integration of body, mind, and spirit, igniting a ripple effect of well-being, vitality, and joy throughout our global community. 


By upholding these values, I am dedicated to promoting the transformative power of sound therapy, supporting individuals in their journey towards optimal physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being.

At Cleveland Sound Healing, LLC, I am guided by the following core values in my commitment to sound therapy for physical, mental, and emotional well-being:

  • I approach everyone with empathy and understanding, recognizing the unique challenges they may face. I create a safe and nurturing space where individuals feel heard, supported, and respected throughout their healing journey.

  • I uphold the highest standards of professional ethics and integrity. I prioritize the well-being and best interests of my clients, ensuring that sound therapy practices are evidence-based, transparent, and grounded in ethical principles.

  • I recognize the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. My sound therapy interventions address the whole person, promoting a holistic approach that nurtures the integration of mind, body, and spirit.

  • I believe in empowering individuals to take an active role in their healing process. I provide them with knowledge, tools, and support necessary to make informed decisions and cultivate self-empowerment, ultimately fostering long-lasting positive changes.

  • I value collaboration and interdisciplinary approaches. I work closely with other health professionals, therapists, and practitioners to ensure integrated care and provide comprehensive support to my clients. I believe that collaboration leads to enhanced outcomes and holistic well-being.

  • I embrace innovation and continuously seek new ways to advance the field of sound therapy. I stay up to date on the latest research, emerging techniques, and technological advancements, allowing me to offer cutting edge approaches that maximize the benefits of sound frequencies for physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

  • I celebrate diversity and foster an inclusive environment that welcomes individuals from all backgrounds and walks of life. I strive to create a culturally sensitive and inclusive space where everyone feels valued, heard, and respected.